Sunday, April 27, 2008

So, blogging. Since I didn't do it one of the days last week. I was made up of fail last week but this week hadn't started off so great either. I'm tired all the time. I think the whole working at 6 am thing is starting to catch up to me because no matter when I wake up I'm starting to get tired by like 10 or 11. Friday night I actually went to bed at 1130 because I'm seriously turning into the lamest person on the planet. I had to work at 10 am, which wasn't too bad. But I had to work until 7 and that was lame considering I wasn't supposed to be there at all because I wasn't on the schedule. I haven't worked much at all on my paper for this class yet, though I have been thinking about it. It's just taken the back burner to the project I have in my other class which is due today or wednesday depending on when I get it done. Probably Wednesday.

I also haven't gotten much of a chance to read over Palestine yet because between my project and this stupid thing I'm editing for a friend I've been useless. Not that I'm not useless all the time. Oh well. I'm going to go work on that for a while and maybe get some sleep.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

blogging in class

So, I just don't know what happened with this whole blogging thing. No, really, I just don't know why I haven't posted, to be honest. But I'm going to post twice as much this week just to make sure that I am caught up on this whole blog thing. So I'm sitting in class, blogging off of my phone. It isn't broken, so I'm not coming in half hour late. I'm going to take a note here: analysis but no thesis. That is just for my own reference for later. More later, the rest of this blog post is a place holder for when I get home.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

So, I'm kind of a jerk and I told David that the final drafts were due tomorrow. Then after like ten seconds of sheer panic I amended it because I found the sheet that said they weren't due until the 21st after all. That is good for me because it gives me more time to solidify my whole little thesis since I don't have anything too narrowed down yet. I was trying to read the walking dead on my break at work today but instead of having my break by myself like I usually do, two of my other coworkers were there with me so I didn't have time to read. Instead we just talked the whole time. I forgot how in love I am with the Walking Dead, though. The art is awesome and the story is just, wow. I love it. I'll probably be updating this more as the paper progresses but right now there isn't a whole lot to report on.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

There is roughly three weeks left that all of my roommates and I will be living together but if things continue to escalate the way they are currently then I'm sure that they will have all killed each other before we graduate and I will be stuck covering everyone's rent for the summer. That would suck. Things had finally calmed down around the middle of the semester but now everyone is at each other's throats again and I'm just kind of sitting back watching it happen. Right now I'm waiting for the battle royale to erupt and I want to be there when it happens. I missed it last time because I was at work. I just caught the tail end when I got home. Hopefully this time it will be more epic and I will get to see the whole thing. Once we graduate two of the three of them are moving home so it's just going to be me and one other girl in our four bedroom apartment. The other two didn't sublet but are still paying their shares of the rent so it's kind of nice. Especially because my sleep schedule is so radically different than the girl's who is staying so I'll probably never see her and essentially it will be like living by myself. Come on graduation, I can't wait much longer.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

putting the fun in funeral since 2006

Since our conversation about whether or not we thought that the father in Fun Home committed suicide I've been trying to decide whether or not I think it was suicide or an accident. And I've come to the conclusion that I think his death was accidental. Now, I'm no expert and I certainly never met Bruce Bechdel, but from what I gather from the book he seems like a control freak. A neat, orderly control freak. And to kill himself by jumping in front of a truck just doesn't strike me as something that a control freak would do. Not to mention he was a funeral home director. If he was going to kill himself I have to imagine he wouldn't want to be a mess that could potentially need a lot of reconstruction to have an open casket at the funeral. Throwing himself in front of a truck risked having major damage done to his body and who would fix him up since he was the funeral director? They'd have to outsource. I'm not even sure how that would work.

I also think that he left way too many loose ends. There were too many things he left unfinished. Though I suppose with the impending divorce he could have decided to just end it all but he didn't seem like someone to make rash decisions and jumping out in front of a truck is just so... unplanned. I mean, death is messy, but there are varying degrees of messy.

Anyway, I thought way too much about this. And I also found this link: which is a compiled list of authors that have committed suicide. Some of them I knew and some of them I didn't, and a couple sort of surprised me. The guy who committed seppeku... wow. The whole thing is fairly macabre but interesting.

Monday, April 7, 2008

So I really don't have any desire to finish my stats but I have to because there is a test tomorrow. Lame. I am made up of so much fail it is almost painful. I've had a ton of time to study and a ton of time to do all the homework but I always put it off til the last minute and then just don't want to do it at all. Tonight is no different. But I'm going to try to do it now so this is a placeholder for a more meaningful blog that will come later.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

my chemistry

It's getting down to the end here and I'm having serious concentration issues. It took me way longer to finish Fun Home than it should have, considering I'm actually fairly interested in the topic. It relates to the project that I'm doing for my Anthropology class (sort of). I'm doing a powerpoint presentation on the Museum of Funeral Customs for my community museums project. It's not that great but I'll deal. The project shouldn't take me all that long to finish. I'm halfway done. It's due tomorrow but I'm pretty sure that since we aren't turning the powerpoint in until we present that I will just have it finished for Friday and I'll be fine. With work and other various shit going on in my life I haven't had the time or the attention span to put a lot of effort into my anthro projects. I really just want to freaking read White Night, since I still haven't finished it. I feel like I am made up of fail. I started working my way through it again this morning when I was on break at work. Hopefully I'll find some more spare time to work on it in the near future, especially because I just bought Small Favors.

In other news, work was awesome today. I was in a fairly good mood despite having to get up at the crack of dawn (or before dawn) on like two hours of sleep. But the usual manager who opens wasn't there so there was no one breathing down my neck about shelving and I actually had time to eliminate all the display shelves in my section and start alpha-ing the rest of the section. My section consists of Fiction/Lit, Af-Am Fiction, Poetry, Lit Crit, Drama, Erotic, GLBT Lit, and Western Philosophy. It is probably the biggest section in the store but the easiest to shelve in and to deal with. That makes my life a little easier and I got a lot of work done today. That just makes me dread going into work Thursday though because I'm going to have to go back to doing what I usually do, which means neglecting my section and not giving it the love it deserves. The poetry section is so out of order it is ridiculous but the normal opening manager hates giving us time to alpha. That's probably the last thing on his list of priorities which drives me nuts because the sections looks like shit all the time.

Anyway, tangent. I started talking about work to talk about Interpol and Jimmy Eat World. We get promotional cds at work and in the morning before we open we can put in whatever we want. Today was my day to pick so I put in Interpol, Jimmy Eat World, some band I'd never heard of called Sona? Lona? I dont remember, and Flogging Molly. I'm kind in love with the first two albums now and I put my name on them. Hopefully I'll get them when the time comes for those to be given away.

I was going to read Fun Home on my break but the display shelf of White Night was closer to the back room than Fun Home was and so I picked that up on the way back there instead. I did finish reading it though and I did like it. Out of everything we've read it was at least more enjoyable than the last two. I still think that Blankets is probably visually my favorite and V for Vendetta is still my favorite story. I don't know. I'm just sad that I missed getting to read Sven on Monday when I was sick.