Tuesday, January 29, 2008

losing the feeling of feeling unique

I really had every intention of wrapping Blankets up with a thoughtful blog post about what I thought about the ending. But that's not going to happen. Not tonight, anyway. I'm pretty sure I've got the plague (okay, I'm dramatic) and I'm too tired to be insightful. All I can really say is that I'm just sort of glad that it is over. Not that I didn't enjoy the story. I did. I am just done going back and rereading parts to try and come up with something to say about the book. I could probably talk about how I like that he finally just lets go of Raina or how I like that when he comes back from Raina's he tries to form a kind of bond with his brother. Or I could talk about how it was sort of interesting the way that he transitioned from being someone who had a lot of faith to someone who was questioning to being someone who flat out had no faith at all. Maybe instead I'll talk about it in class.

Right now I'd like to just take a moment to say that the new Panic at the Disco song was released yesterday (I think, that was when I heard it anyway) and it's pretty good. They are kind of my guilty pleasure. Please, reserve all judgments. I do have some concept of good and bad music, I just tend to like a little bit of everything. And I happen to like that song a lot. Listen for yourself if you'd like:

Also, I work at Borders and we get the promotional stuff when the store is done with it and I grabbed the Eisley cd and also Circa Survive. I've heard of Eisley but not really the other. Opinions, anyone?


David Paine said...

I love the dresden files too... it's so over-the-top and goofy. I'll probably post about it sometime, instead of something we're supposed to be writing about.

Panic isn't really my thing, but I've listened to an Eisley album and liked it. I have a thing for female vocalists, which makes it very easy for a band to win me over if there's a woman singing. But let me know if you like it.

lauren said...

So, when I first heard Nine in the Afternoon all the way through, I totally thought it said "losing the feeling of feeding your need" (I don't even know, okay? I plainly wasn't paying attention). When a friend corrected me, I was all, Omg, I write better lyrics than Ryanross.

I thought you'd enjoy that anecdote. Done now.