Wednesday, February 27, 2008

30 days of night

Seriously one of the coolest comics ever. And also a pretty B.A. movie. Well, it probably isn't all that great by most standards, but I'm into horror movies and I tend to like all of them, no matter how bad or campy they are. But 30 Days of Night was pretty sweet.

The first image is from the movie and the second is the cover of the first trade of the 30 days of night series. I really like the artwork too and I think that the people who did the make up and the special effects for the movie really did a pretty good job of trying to bring Templesmith's creatures to life.

The art is so dark, it really fits the mood of the comic. It's been a while since I last read it but I'm thinking I might have to pull out the first trade and read it again. I have the second volume too, somewhere, and the rest I can get from work. Now if I can just justify reading 30 Days of Night instead of working on my Heritage City project.

1 comment:

Pat said...

I haven't read the book yet, but the movie was alright. It had that chick from Alias in it, and there was some gore and stuff. Not to mention Josh HOTnett.

There was kind of an overabundance of jumpy scares in the film, and not enough atmospheric stuff. Eventually, the jumpy scares just wore off and I spent the rest of the film waiting for awesome decapitation scenes, which I got.