Monday, March 3, 2008

coma therapy

The Heritage project is complete. Now all I have to do is present it. I've been completely immersed in this for the past two weeks or so and now it is finally coming to a close. Thank god. I presented a chapter from Anthony Tung's book Preserving the World's Great Cities on Warsaw, which was really interesting. Just a short little presentation about heritage and war (primarily architectural heritage). Now for the big part of the project I have to do all the research for and then present on another city that wasn't included in Tung's book.

So the first half was cake, it was like a book report. The second half, not so much. I picked Baghdad, which is cool and all, but 95% of all the articles and sites I found referencing Baghdad's cultural heritage had to do with the looting of the National Museum of Iraq. That's great, I mean, I needed that information, but that museum does not make up 100 percent of all the cultural heritage. It was a pain in the ass to try and find other stuff for my presentation. It also doesn't help that Baghdad has virtually no promotion of tourism going on right now. Blah. It doesn't help that I fail at the internet and using it efficiently to find scholarly articles and websites that aren't run by nutjobs to use as my references.

Whatever, it's done. I'm probably going to present today. I say today because it is 4:55 am right now, which means in less than 12 hours I will be done with this thing for good. Unless I don't present today and then I will go on either Wednesday or Friday, which gives me a couple more days to worry about the project. Then it is blissful freedom! Until we have to do the Heritage COUNTRY project. And that doesn't even begin to cover the projects I have to do in my Museums and Communities class. I wish I didn't put this stuff off until the last minute, I swear.

Anyway, there was a point to rambling on about all of this. The topic I sent in for the comic book is: the effect of war on cultural heritage. and if it needs to be more specific then that, then we could go as far to focus on one aspect of it, like the looting of the Iraq National Museum in Baghdad. (I copy and pasted that straight out of my sent email because I'm lazy).

How original! Yeah, anyway. It could be interesting. But I'm sure everyone else will come up with a topic that I like about ten million times better.

Also, I bought Eric Victorino's book the other night. It hasn't come yet but I've read some of it from various sources and I'm in love. Usually, I hate poetry. But I think his stuff is good. There is very little poetry that I can actually enjoy. I need to stop obsessing already.

I also need to not stay up so late because I had to edit this post twice for mistakes.

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