Tuesday, March 4, 2008

my life hates me sometimes

So in my last post I was like 'Oh I'm done with projects until I have to do my museum project.' Well I looked at my syllabus and that project is due tomorrow. Fuck my life. Seriously. So I finished my last project Sunday night, studied all last night for my stats test tonight and now that I'm home I have to work on my museum project. It is just a ten minute presentation on Te Papa Tongarewa, the national museum of New Zealand. I just have to kind of give an over view and then talk about how the museum interacts with the communities there and blah blah. Boring shit. Not that hard but I make everything harder than it should be.

In other words, I probably won't finish Collier tonight but I will later. If I do before class tomorrow I will so update this blog again.

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