Monday, March 31, 2008

six feet under > fun home

Pretty much all I can think about right now is Six Feet Under. I mean, Fun Home really doesn't fit in with the whole five season long storyline of Six Feet Under but the whole funeral home thing just kept reminding me of that show. I loved that show. Most television shows lose me after one or two seasons because I get really bored really easily. But I stuck with Six Feet Under all the way to the end and it was so worth it. If you've never seen the show then you should go to Rentertainment right now and rent all of the seasons all at once and sit down and watch them in one go. They are only like twelve episodes long so it wont take forever. Skip your classes, blow off your homework and tests and just watch that show.

And if you have seen the show then you need to immediately go to youtube, find the clip of the last ten minutes of the season finale, and watch it again. Right now.

And then we can all be amazed together.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

mini comic o doom

Okay, the comic has been drawn. Now if we can ink it by tomorrow then we are golden and we will be set to turn it in. Holla. I didn't update for Monday because I was exhausted and kind of sick so I'm going to try to get in twice the update this time around. Chances are it isn't going to happen but let's just pretend like this is a mondo update and that maybe it counts for two.

Spring Break... sucked the big one. Well okay, it wasn't that bad I suppose. I spent a lot of time planted in front of my stepdad's HD tv watching all my new dvd's on the blu ray player because it makes it look so much better than my crappy little tv in my apartment. I got four of the 2007 eight films to die for. They are pretty campy and cheesy but I seriously love a good indie horror flick (or a bad one). I got Deaths of Ian Stone, Tooth and Nail, Crazy Eights, and Mulberry Street. I also picked up American Gangster and No Country for Old Men from my dad. I haven't watched American Gangster yet but hopefully it will be good. Also, I'm pretty sure that I left my iPod at my stepdad's house and that really sucks because I don't want to drive all the way back there to get it :/ When I got back to my apartment on Monday of last week the heat wasn't working. So I spent like three days wrapped up in blankets trying not to freeze to death before I went back to Bloomington again. I worked a few days. Ate a lot of food. That was the extent of my break.

Also, I finished reading Stuck Rubber Baby but I left the book in Bloomington. It's probably in the same place as my iPod but I'm far less broken up about leaving that book than I am about the iPod. Probably because the book just sort of drove me nuts with the people all looking the same. Not that I can complain because when I was drawing my mini comic everyone looks the same. I'm possibly the worst artist on the planet but I was at least moderately amused for most of the whole time I was working on the project. Well, I am amused now that I am looking at the finished project. I was pretty stressed out while doing it because as it turns out I am the world's slowest drawer, even though my art sucks it still took forever.

In music news, I did not get Paramore tickets. Woe is me. I did however download the Panic at the Disco leak and I was seriously disappointed. So now I'm kind of pissed that I got Panic tickets instead of Paramore tickets because at least Paramore is going to put on a good show and play music I want to hear. I just wish that the new Panic was trying to be more like Panic and trying less to be the Beatles. Let's be honest, they are not the Beatles. If they only play new stuff at the concert I'm going to be pissed off.

And speaking of Paramore, here's their new video:

and I'm spent. I haven't slept in like 36 hours so I'm going to go work on that.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

is it friday yet?


I'm already officially in that mode. I didn't even do the stats homework that was due today at noon and there is no way I'm even going to bother trying to do it. I still have to present my two projects. Or one and a half projects since I started the Iraq project on Monday and have to finish it today. And I have to do the museum one this morning so hopefully I actually get to present, I don't know what will happen if I don't go today.

Also, mini comic group... where are you?

Monday, March 10, 2008

stuck rubber baby

So this doesn't suck that bad, I guess. I really didn't like Collier very much and I wasn't sure I was going to like this one but it's pretty okay. I'm not overly impressed with the art or anything. The people look a little weird, but I'm not going to knock it because I couldn't do better. It's moving pretty slow, so I don't have much to say about it yet. I'm just working my way through it, trying not to get too distracted by their oddly proportioned faces. It also doesn't help that I still have White Night to read and it's getting really good. That and I have a book that I borrowed from a co-worker that I feel obligated to read and get back to him as promptly as possible. I haven't even started that one yet.

PS the time change is already messing with my head.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

my life hates me sometimes

So in my last post I was like 'Oh I'm done with projects until I have to do my museum project.' Well I looked at my syllabus and that project is due tomorrow. Fuck my life. Seriously. So I finished my last project Sunday night, studied all last night for my stats test tonight and now that I'm home I have to work on my museum project. It is just a ten minute presentation on Te Papa Tongarewa, the national museum of New Zealand. I just have to kind of give an over view and then talk about how the museum interacts with the communities there and blah blah. Boring shit. Not that hard but I make everything harder than it should be.

In other words, I probably won't finish Collier tonight but I will later. If I do before class tomorrow I will so update this blog again.

Monday, March 3, 2008

coma therapy

The Heritage project is complete. Now all I have to do is present it. I've been completely immersed in this for the past two weeks or so and now it is finally coming to a close. Thank god. I presented a chapter from Anthony Tung's book Preserving the World's Great Cities on Warsaw, which was really interesting. Just a short little presentation about heritage and war (primarily architectural heritage). Now for the big part of the project I have to do all the research for and then present on another city that wasn't included in Tung's book.

So the first half was cake, it was like a book report. The second half, not so much. I picked Baghdad, which is cool and all, but 95% of all the articles and sites I found referencing Baghdad's cultural heritage had to do with the looting of the National Museum of Iraq. That's great, I mean, I needed that information, but that museum does not make up 100 percent of all the cultural heritage. It was a pain in the ass to try and find other stuff for my presentation. It also doesn't help that Baghdad has virtually no promotion of tourism going on right now. Blah. It doesn't help that I fail at the internet and using it efficiently to find scholarly articles and websites that aren't run by nutjobs to use as my references.

Whatever, it's done. I'm probably going to present today. I say today because it is 4:55 am right now, which means in less than 12 hours I will be done with this thing for good. Unless I don't present today and then I will go on either Wednesday or Friday, which gives me a couple more days to worry about the project. Then it is blissful freedom! Until we have to do the Heritage COUNTRY project. And that doesn't even begin to cover the projects I have to do in my Museums and Communities class. I wish I didn't put this stuff off until the last minute, I swear.

Anyway, there was a point to rambling on about all of this. The topic I sent in for the comic book is: the effect of war on cultural heritage. and if it needs to be more specific then that, then we could go as far to focus on one aspect of it, like the looting of the Iraq National Museum in Baghdad. (I copy and pasted that straight out of my sent email because I'm lazy).

How original! Yeah, anyway. It could be interesting. But I'm sure everyone else will come up with a topic that I like about ten million times better.

Also, I bought Eric Victorino's book the other night. It hasn't come yet but I've read some of it from various sources and I'm in love. Usually, I hate poetry. But I think his stuff is good. There is very little poetry that I can actually enjoy. I need to stop obsessing already.

I also need to not stay up so late because I had to edit this post twice for mistakes.